The 6th "One Student One Chip" Program Home Page

Learning Objectives

"One Student One Chip" will develop your general skills. At the end of the course, you will have a better understanding of the following questions:

  1. how processors are designed?
  2. how programs run on computers?
  3. how to optimize the performance of a processor?
  4. how to use/design the right tools for efficient debugging?
  5. how to write your own test cases for unit testing?
  6. how does an RTL design generate a flowable layout?

We will guide you to design a RISC-V pipeline processor. Run an operating system on your processor. Run a real game on the OS. The processor that achieves the target will be connected to the SoC and will be given the opportunity to tapeout.

Learning Resource

  • Icons can be clicked to jump to the appropriate resource
  • Complete handouts can be viewed via the navigation bar at the top right of the page
  • The content of the Stage S handout is still available 🕊

C = C language (program/simulator/system software) | R = RISC-V instruction set | P = processor design | T = tools

Stage IDTask Handouts Slides RecordingC R P T
Preliminary stage How to ask questions scientifically📚📰🎬
Linux system installation and basic usage📚📰🎬
State machine models of computer systems - 📰🎬
Reviewing the C language📚📰🎬
Program execution and simulators - 📰🎬
Build a verilator simulation environment📚 - -
Basic Digital Circuit Experiment📚📰🎬
Complet PA1📚📰🎬
Application for admission defense
Basic Stage NEMU with RV32IM support📚📰🎬
Machine-level representation of programs (part 1) - 📰🎬
Machine-level representation of programs (part 2) - 📰🎬
Simplest processor implementation with RTL📚 - -
AM Runtime Environment📚📰🎬
Tools and infrastructure - 📰🎬
Single-cycle NPC with RV32E support📚📰🎬
ELF files and linking - 📰🎬
Devices and inputs/outputs📚📰🎬
Debug tips - 📰🎬
Exception handling and RT-Thread📚📰🎬
SoC computer systems (part 1)📚📰🎬
SoC computer systems (part 2)📚📰🎬
Performance and Simple Caching📚
Accomplish stage B tapeout
Advanced Stage under construction
under construction
under construction
under construction
Accomplish stage A tapeout

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> Given that we're still updating and revising the documentation frequently, it may be easier to experience stuck jumps in the near future.

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Last Updated:
Contributors: myyerrol, Miao Yuyang